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Budget Savings 2024/25


Strategic Communications and Engagement, Corporate Communications, Budget Reduction

Budget reference number


How will the saving be achieved?

A review was carried out of existing staff vacancies and operational budget. A 10% reduction can be achieved through a combination of deleting existing staff vacancies and reducing operational budgets to support the delivery of effective external communications, with a focus on external campaigns.  This will result in a reduction in campaign output and delivery of multi-media projects that could impact on service objectives.

This proposal reduces the support available to support both The Plan for North Lanarkshire and associated Programmes of Work across the entirety of both; the capacity to support communication, multi-media projects, video, photography and campaign activity related to both will be reduced.

If this policy is subject to the FSD what does it suggest about the impact or potential impact on socio-economic disadvantage?

There will be a requirement to prioritise service demand as it is likely that there will be a reduced capacity to support communication activity across the council. This is likely to impact on the effectiveness of achieving service objectives and this could impact on the volume and cut-through of communications output for services such as the Tackling Poverty Team. Recipients of practical advice and information through communications may not receive messaging around support and advice if workload is reduced or more effective communication tools are not used.  Council's strategy in terms of ambition, policy progress and investment relies on significant and excellent communication. Ability to provide support for significant incidents (e.g. Covid-19, school transport etc) likely to be compromised.

Give details of the impact it has on groups and individuals.

There is likely to be an impact on partner organisations that we provide communication support to, such as joint events and campaigns with South Lanarkshire Council. An example is the Suicide Prevention campaign which is delivered in conjunction with representatives from partner agencies. A reduction in output from communications support could impact on the number of vulnerable people engaging with the campaign. Similarly, people who require access to support and advice from the Tackling Poverty team may not see/read/hear about new initiatives if communications support is reduced.

What actions / measures will be put in place or are planned to mitigate any adverse impact or promote equality?

The council's strategy relies on extensive ability to support council priorities and service objectives through the delivery of high-quality and effective communication activity. This proposal reduces strategic communication activity and the focus on campaigns and content creation through the reduction in operational budgets. Mitigation limited to reducing communication output (particularly in multimedia and digital) and supporting services priorities. Ensure that demand is reduced to meet reduced budget through prioritisation.  Post attached to savings are currently vacant. In addition, we will always provide support for people with disabilities or whose first language is no English, to have access to appropriate tools and translations to access information. Important communication tools such as the website will no be affected.

What is the result/ recommendations of the EqIA?

This saving is achievable in its current form with reduction in communication demand, although not without medium impact risk on strategy, operations and reputation. Any increased saving from that submitted is not directly proportional to the impact; savings over and above those submitted would be targeted at staffing reductions requiring significant restructure and large reduction in communication activity.

A review of current activity aligned with The Plan for NL and the Programmes of Work will identify which service areas will be affected and an appropriate reduction in communication output to match available resource will be required; communication activity prioritised to meet a smaller number of requirements to ensure as much as possible, that appropriate communication support is provided to those target audience who most need information.

Corporate Communications will continue to provide a quality services for council services and for people, communities and businesses in North Lanarkshire by providing access to information in a range of formats.

Page last updated:
20 Jun 2024

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