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Budget Savings 2024/25


Business & Digital – Technology Solutions – restructure and review of contracts

Budget reference number 


How will the saving be achieved? 

Savings will be achieved through a combination of the following. 

  1. Reviewing existing workload; responsibilities, service levels and specifications within Technology Solutions and ensuring that the operating structure and staffing establishment is fully aligned to ensure cost effective and efficient delivery.   

  1. Contract management  

Key deliverables to achieve the saving include:  

  • Reviewing the existing structure within Technology Solutions to identify where tasks are no longer required or may be delivered more cost effectively – for example to a lower specification or reduced frequency – to create capacity for increased efficiency and associated reduction in resource requirement.  

  • Optimising existing resources through increased digital adoption and by reviewing and identifying where technology advances can replace current delivery methods with streamlined end to end processes resulting in improved efficiencies and reduced requirement for manual procedures.  

  • Strengthened contract management arrangements and rationalising outsourcing where the function can be provided in-house to the required specification.  
  • Investigating opportunities to procure the most cost-effective supply and support contracts.  

  • Renegotiation of contracts to ensure most advantageous rates. 

If this policy is subject to the FSD what does it suggest about the impact or potential impact on socio-economic disadvantage? 

Material deprivation - Potential impact is through increased transition to digital and online service delivery which will impact on people who do not have access to personal devices or smartphones.  

Area deprivation - potential positive and negative impacts. Increased transition to digital and online service delivery will have a positive impact by addressing issues around people in isolated or poorly served communities being able to access services.  However, reduced capacity within Technology Solutions may impact on delivery of digital infrastructure such as superfast broadband and Public Access WiFi which are prerequisites for easily accessible and efficient online service delivery and the Internet of Things.  

Give details of the impact it has on groups and individuals.  

Age - The outcome of the review may impact on older employees who are closer to retiral age by causing them to consider their options. 

Employees - Council employees in Technology Solutions will be impacted. Other Council Services and employees will be impacted if the level, frequency and availability of existing supports are reduced or withdrawn.  

What actions / measures will be put in place or are planned to mitigate any adverse impact or promote equality?  

Employees – adverse impact is the potential reduction in staffing levels. To mitigate we will ensure manageable workplans for remaining employees. Introduction of new technologies to reduce the requirement on manual-intensive processes and release staff capacity to focus on higher value activities that maximise the use of skills, knowledge and expertise.  

We will advise on formal cut-off and disinvestment in any services that were previously provided to ensure no expectation on staff to continue to provide these functions within remaining resources available.  

We will communicate with Services to ensure that Senior Management and staff understand the role of Technology Solutions and the services that will be delivered.  

Some employees identified as being in scope may be wary of change and reluctant to embrace any new working practices. We will engage with employees at all stages. We will provide training and support in new processes prior to their introduction and during rollout.  

We will provide 1:1 support as required. 

What is the result/ recommendations of the EqIA? 

Introduce the policy 1 April 2024 to 31 March 2026. 

Page last updated:
13 Jun 2024

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