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Budget Savings 2024/25


Children and Adult Social Work Shared Services (Administrative Support)

Budget reference number


How will the saving be achieved?

This saving of 280k will be implemented in 2025/26 and will be informed by a redesign of the current model of administrative support with social work services to a more tailored business support model aligned with wider service changes and the future council operating model.  It will involve an overall reduction of approximately 9.5, principally main grade administrative posts.  In addition any further reconfiguration of roles arising from the review will require to be undertaken within the reduced service budget. 

The saving will be realised through the deletion of vacant posts.  Due to high levels of turnover and vacancies it is anticipated there will be no adverse impact on individual staff and it is expected that the associated service redesign will minimise any impact on support for frontline service delivery.

If this policy is subject to the FSD what does it suggest about the impact or potential impact on socio-economic disadvantage?

It is anticipated that there will be minimal impact as the impact of post deletions will be mitigated by the service redesign and will be achieved through deletion of vacancies.

Give details of the impact it has on groups and individuals.

The saving will reduce the overall number of established administrative posts within the service and therefore impact on overall employment opportunities within this area of the workforce which is predominately female.  It will not have a disproportionate impact on any other groups.

What actions / measures will be put in place or are planned to mitigate any adverse impact or promote equality?

Whilst the realisation of the saving will reduce overall post numbers this will be achieved through deletion of vacant posts and therefore will not adversely impact on individuals in post.  The parallel service redesign will seek to reconfigure roles to address current recruitment and retention issues within the service and improve career pathways mitigating current pressures on the workforce and support for frontline delivery arising from the impact of existing high vacancy and turnover rates.  Whilst establishment post numbers will decrease this should improve post occupancy and opportunities for the predominately female workforce.

What is the result/ recommendations of the EqIA?

The saving can be realised without significant adverse impact on any groups with protected characteristics.


Page last updated:
17 Jun 2024

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