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Budget Savings 2024/25


Legal & Democratic - Central Services

This saving reflects a reduction in support services budget (both employee and non-employee) as a result of the scale of the savings anticipated in delivering frontline services and the new operating model of the Council. This will mean reduced support for services, cost reductions, and changes to governance & control arrangements.  This form relates solely to Legal and Democratic.  

Budget reference number 

07CEX, 07CEXA and 08CEX

How will the saving be achieved? 

Legal and Democratic’s main activities are the provision of legal services to the Council and its ALEOS, facilitating democratic arrangements including Council meetings and committees, provision of licensing and registration services and administration of local and parliamentary elections.  The proposed budget saving is expected to require a reduction in staff numbers within Legal and Democratic.  It is anticipated that any such reduction will be achieved by way of workforce planning, releasing/deleting current vacancies within the Service and through a review and analysis of the required structure and staffing levels, including reallocation of duties, to ensure that Legal and Democratic’s activities and staffing structures appropriately adhere to both the future size and operating model of the Council.  

If this policy is subject to the FSD what does it suggest about the impact or potential impact on socio-economic disadvantage? 

Not applicable. 

Give details of the impact it has on groups and individuals.  

The key stakeholders are Elected Members, Senior Management, Trade Unions and staff.  The current data, research and other evidence or information available relevant to this assessment is Strategic Workforce Plans, stakeholder feedback on the activities and performance of the Service and detailed management review and consideration of the current structure, roles, responsibilities and behaviours. It is not considered that any of the people and communities listed are likely to be more affected by the policy than others. 

What actions / measures will be put in place or are planned to mitigate any adverse impact or promote equality?  

Not applicable. 

What is the result/ recommendations of the EqIA? 

Monitoring, evaluation and review will be part of continued workforce planning and consideration and evaluation of the structure and any service redesign to ensure any affected staff have and continue to be fully supported through any consultation and change period.  In addition, continuous feedback will be sought from key stakeholders. As such, it is recommended to introduce the policy. 

Page last updated:
13 Jun 2024

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