We’re carrying out essential website maintenance on Tuesday 11 March, between 10 am and 12 pm. Some online services may be unavailable during this time.
We are committed to fairness and openness in the decisions we take.
Equality impact assessments are a way of examining the main functions and policies of an organisation to see whether they have the potential to affect people differently.
Carrying out these assessments on our policies, practices, decisions (including financial decisions), functions and strategies will help us identify any negative impact on particular groups of people and therefore allow us to remove it or lessen its negative effects. They also allow us to take steps to promote and advance equality.
Our approach to carrying out equality impact assessments now includes the Fairer Scotland Duty. This duty requires us to consider how we can reduce and tackle socio-economic disadvantages experienced by people when making our strategic decisions.
Full and or summary assessments are published by each council service. Assessments carried out from November 2020 are available from the service areas below.
Assessments before November 2020
To access assessments published before November 2020 please email equality@northlan.gov.uk