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Budget Savings 2024/25


Chief Executive's Support Services Review

Budget reference number

01 CEX

How will the saving be achieved?

This saving will be delivered through the review of support services for the Corporate Management Team providing an integrated Management Support Team that provides support and assistance to the Chief Executive, Depute Chief Executive and Chief Officers through shared approaches and increased consistency, streamlined processes, and increased use of digital solutions.

Importantly, the creation of a team approach, with mutually supportive Management Support Officers and Management Support Assistants who have completed a Learning Pathway, provides the mechanism to allocate and divert staff to priority pieces of work or areas where additional capacity may be required.

If this policy is subject to the FSD what does it suggest about the impact or potential impact on socio-economic disadvantage?

No impact.

Give details of the impact it has on groups and individuals.

Age (a particular age or range of ages)

The outcome of the review may impact on older employees who are closer to retiral age by causing them to consider their options.

Women or men, girls or boys

Women may be more likely to be impacted given the current gender balance within the council and higher percentages of women in support roles.

Employees – full and part time. Including SES, MAs etc.

Existing Executive Assistants, Admin and secretarial support staff will be impacted. Some Chief Officers, who have previously received 1:1 support will move to their support needs being met through the Team approach and other Chief Officers, who previously received no support will now be included in the Team approach.


Extended management teams and officers in Services will receive some support from the Team rather than an individual and will benefit from increased consistency.

What actions / measures will be put in place or are planned to mitigate any adverse impact or promote equality?


Adverse impact - Potential that older employees may be less familiar with digital technologies. We will mitigate by providing access to training and 1:1 support to ensure confidence and to build on knowledge.

Employees – full and part time. Including SES, MAs etc

Adverse impact - Some employees identified as being in scope may be wary of change and reluctant to embrace any new working practices. We will mitigate through engaging with employees at all stages. We will provide training and support in new processes prior to their introduction and during rollout. 1:1 support will be provided, as required.

What is the result/recommendations of the EqIA?

Introduce the policy – April 2024 to March 2025

Page last updated:
13 Jun 2024

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