What is the policy / strategy / function / trying to achieve / do?
To support our staff to be empowered to instigate conversations openly and comfortably or engage in discussions about menopause and any other hormonal change signs and symptoms which are impacting on a person’s working day.
To help support staff to remain at work and to be able to effectively function in their role to their fullest potential.
To educate and inform all staff, about the potential indicators, how to support staff, appreciate and understand the challenges people may be experiencing and where support is available within the Council.
Give details of the impact it has on groups and individuals.
This policy should affect positively the working lives of women experiencing the menopause.
The debilitating impacts of the menopause that some women experience will be understood and appropriate support/ adjustments will be provided at work.
The impact of the menopause and other hormonal changes that affect women throughout their working lives will be understood and appropriate support / adjustments will be provided at work.
There may be some variations in people’s experiences of the menopause and other hormonal impacts due to cultural beliefs – both negative and positive
Transmen who are experiencing menopause and other hormonal changes because of their biological sex will be provided appropriate understanding and support
There may be some variations in people’s experiences of the menopause and other hormonal impacts due to religion / beliefs – both negative and positive
The policy will impact positively on all employees but predominantly female employees between the ages of 45 and 55.
The policy will assist the council in creating a supportive and inclusive environment for anyone affected by the menopause and/or other hormonal changes
The policy will help raise awareness of this subject across the organisation and help remove barriers and stigma and encourage more open and honest dialogue amongst employees and with managers as to how menopause and/or hormonal changes are affecting an individual.
The policy provides a supportive framework that ensures appropriate support/adjustments are made in order to assist those most affected to remain in the workplace and ensures protection for those employees with protected characteristics and aligns to the council’s values of treating everyone with dignity and respect.
The policy may be considered to be too inclusive of other groups of people not just women/female.
The policy may be considered as unnecessary, as guidance for managers and employees on the subject of menopause already exists and managers may see this as adding more procedures to an already extensive set of employment policies/procedures that they need to adhere to.
What actions / measures will be put in place or are planned to mitigate any adverse impact or promote equality?
The introduction statement in the policy is clear that this is predominantly aimed at women However it is not only those who identify as women who will experience menopause. Some transgender men, non-binary people and intersex people or people with variations in sex characteristics may also experience menopause and the policy reflects this.
The supporting toolkits and training for managers and employees will ensure that reason for the inclusion of other groups is explained.
The policy clearly lays out the aims and objectives of this policy and also notes that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all” solution and therefore this policy will act as a support guide for all employees and Line Managers. This policy does not have the same “must do” requirements as other employment policies and will require more of a common-sense approach when taking steps to support an individual rather than prescriptive procedures. Albeit there will be some processes that will need to be carried out i.e risk assessment
What is the result / recommendations of the EqIA?
Some minor amendments were made to the policy to take account of some of the comments received from the consultation process.
The policy will be implemented in 2024, following approval at Full Council on 21 December 2023.