What is the policy/strategy/function/ trying to achieve/do?
The purpose is for the Finance and Resources Committee to consider North Lanarkshire Council licensing sexual entertainment venues in the North Lanarkshire area in terms of Section 45A of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982. The key aims of civic licensing are the preservation of public safety and order and the prevention of crime.
If this policy is subject to the FSD what does it suggest about the impact or potential impact on socio-economic disadvantage?
There are direct links between women who are socio-economic disadvantaged entering the sex industry and being sexually exploited leading to violence being perpetrated upon them. ‘Equally Safe’ is Scotland’s national strategy for preventing and eradicating violence against women and girls. North Lanarkshire Council operates its own ‘Gender-Based Violence Policy’ for all however women and girls are more likely to suffer violence. North Lanarkshire Council provides support and services to women to overcome socio-economic disadvantages. The licensing of SEVs may assist the existing strategies and policies adopted by North Lanarkshire Council in eradicating violence against women.
Give details of the impact it has on groups and individuals
The Licensing of SEV may impact the following:
- Women and girls - commercial sexual exploitation, includes prostitution, lap dancing, stripping, pornography is a form of gender-based violence. Licensing aims to protect the safety and wellbeing of performers (male, female LGTBQ), customers and the wider public and can challenge the commodification of females bodies.
- Services focussed on supporting families, children and young people, if close to the location of SEVS.
- Greater protection for those unaccompanied minors, care experienced young people and others at risk from exploitation.
What actions / measures will be put in place or are planned to mitigate any adverse impact or promote equality?
A second proposed Consultation will gather evidence on a range of issues including:
- the number of premises currently operating within the area (none at present)
- the location of such premises and proximity to schools
- places of worship
- residential areas and organisations supporting victims of gender-based violence
- the effect that such venues may have in the local community in terms of the licensing objectives
- whether there have been any incidents of sexual assaults, anti-social behaviour, kerb-crawling or prostitution reported in the area, or
- whether there have been any incidents of human trafficking or exploitation
The responses received will allow Head of Legal and Democratic Services to draft a Policy Statement, Guidance and Application process for applications received in relation to SEVs
The Policy Statement and licence conditions will provide maximum protection for identified vulnerable groups of people in society.
What is the result/ recommendations of the assessment?
Introduce the policy and explicitly pass a resolution licensing SEVs to allow the development of a policy statement, guidance and an application process.