- Approximately 2.1% of North Lanarkshire's population are people from a Black or minority ethnic group.
- 828 people use British Sign Language at home, 2715 speak Polish at home, 6678 speak other language at home other than English. 483 speak Gaelic.
- Our population is getting older with the over 65 age group set to increase by over 11,000 by 2026 whilst the working age population decreases by 5,000.
- Of the 10,134 people living in North Lanarkshire who were born outside the UK, 55.2% of those arrived after 2001.
- Just under ¼ of North Lanarkshire's people have no religion (way below the Scottish average of 36%). 34.6% are Roman Catholic, more than double the Scottish average
- 7339 people in North Lanarkshire understand but do not speak, read or write English, and 9857 speak but do not read or write English.
- 42.1% of visually impaired learners gained national qualifications at Level 3 and above in Maths or English in 2018 compared with 54.8% in 2017
- 51.7% of exclusions were pupils with additional support needs in 2017/18 (46% of distinct pupils)
- 81.82% of pupils with additional support needs (ASN) were participating post-school. The Scottish average is 90.4%
- 6% of North Lanarkshire's Modern Apprentices in 2017/18 were disabled. The Scottish average was 11.3%. This rose to 9.84% in Q3 of 2019. 0.55% are Black and Minority Ethnic as compared to the Scottish average of 2.1%
- 1 in 4 Scottish pupils said they were aware of peers suffering prejudice based bullying.
All of the following is about people who are economically active aged 16+ in North Lanarkshire
- The unemployment rate in North Lanarkshire is the lowest for white Polish people at 7.09%. For all white people it is 9.68%. The rate for Black and Minority Ethnic people is 10.76%, however this jumps to 17.15% if you are Black Caribbean or African. Caribbean or Black males experience the worst at 29.68%.
- The unemployment rate is higher for Asian females (11.02%) than males (7.49%) and white females (7.75%)
- 20.89% of economically active Black and Minority Ethnic people are self-employed compared to 7.9% of white people. There are 736 Black and Minority Ethnic people who are small employers (that is 9.83% of the total Black and Minority Ethnic working age population and 4.64% of these are run by women). In comparison 5.9% of the total white population are small employers
- For people whose activities are limited a lot the unemployment rate is 11.95%
- The rate of full-time self-employment for disabled people is 6.32% slightly more than for non-disabled people.
- 6.2% of people over 16 are economically inactive due to long term illness or disability.
- Disabled people spend £550 more per month than non‐disabled people, because of the extra costs of being disabled. All of this means that 47.5% of disabled people live in poverty
- Charges reported to Airdrie Procurator Fiscal Office relating to disability and sexual orientation hate crime have seen the increased significantly since 2010-11 while racial and religious based hate crime have decreased.
- 12.2% of households are one person aged over 65. 9.1% are lone parent households with dependent children.
- 19.05% of Adult Literacy and Numeracy learners are Black and Minority Ethnic
- By 2037 the older population in North Lanarkshire will have increased by 68.4% from 2012.Younger households and ethnic minority households are more likely than others to live in overcrowded properties.
- 10% of disabled people responding to a North Lanarkshire youth survey never feel safe when out and about in their community
- In 2014, 27% of people who volunteered had a disability, a long term illness or had both.
- 2% of volunteers were from an ethnic group other than 'white' and 54 % of people who volunteer are of the Christian faith.
Health, wellbeing and care
- 85% of employees in care and personal services occupations are female.
- 167 children under 16 provide 20 + hours of unpaid care every week. 76 of those over 50 hours/ week.
- 3.1% of all people provide 50 + hours unpaid care a week, the Scottish average is 2.5%
- 25.29% of people over the age of 16 are limited in their day to day activities either a little or a lot. The overall rate for Scotland is 22.79%.
- 29.9% of people are living with one or more long-term health conditions.
- Many Asian women in particular are prevented from walking alone due to fear of harassment. Access to a car is crucial for getting out and about.
- The % of women who are repeat victims of domestic abuse has reduced from 45% to 15.6% since 2017.
- 393 referrals were made to a Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference in 2017/18 period.