While we know we have challenges and progress still to make we have many successes to build on including:
- Construction of 231 new homes for social rent is complete. All of these are designed to housing for varying needs standards including 36 of which are designated amenity housing and 19 are designed for wheelchair users.
- The percentage of women who are repeat victims of domestic abuse has reduced from 45% to 15.6%.
- The Council is an early adopter in Equally Safe at Work, an employer accreditation programme which aims to tackle workplace gender inequality and ultimately reduce violence against women and girls.
- Three Lesbian, Gay,Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) youth groups have been established within the last year and have joined together to form North Lanarkshire LGBT Youth Network.
- There were 9095 participants’ sessions for extracurricular sport and physical activity in ASN Schools – exceeding the target of 7500.
- Pupils in secondary schools are volunteering as Mental Health Ambassadors.
- The Supported Employment Service (SES) has supported 180 people into work within the local community and 65% of people via the SES have kept their jobs for over 2 years.
- Our very positive relationship with the Deaf and Deafblind BSL community.