Details of how our services are operating over the festive period, including registration offices, social work services and bin collections.
Enterprise and communities (EqIA)
- Equality Impact Assessments
- CLNL Service Recovery
- Community Asset Transfer - Viewpark Gardens
- Community Asset Transfer – Palacerigg Community Trust
- Community Safety Strategy 2020-2025
- Consultative Draft Local Housing Strategy 2021-2026
- Economic Regeneration Delivery Plan
- Enterprise Project
- Local Authority Discretionary Fund - summary assessment
- New Supply Programme
- Strategic Housing Investment Plan 2024/25 to 2028/29
- Tackling Poverty Strategy
- Housing Domestic Abuse Policy
- Annual Review of Housing Asset Management Plan
- Annual Review of Community Safety Strategy
- Garden Assistance Scheme
- Millcroft Road CPO and Regeneration
- Tenancy Sustainment Policy
- North Lanarkshire Social Enterprise Strategy
- North Lanarkshire Tourism Strategy (Equality Impact Assessment)
- Tower Strategy – Build a Better Future Phase 2 Consultation
- The Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)
- Insourcing of Business Gateway Lanarkshire Service
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund Investment Plan: North Lanarkshire
- First Stop Shop Service Review
- The HIVE Women’s Business Incubator project based in Airdrie
- Homelessness Action Plan 2025-28
- Housing Support Services Review 2024
Housing Support Services Review 2024
What is the policy / strategy / function/ trying to achieve / do?
This EqIA relates to the review of the delivery of Housing Support Services within the Housing Service. The review was necessary to ensure that housing support services continue to meet the changing needs of customers, consider any future legal requirements and achieve best value.
The aim was to understand the demand for housing support services, the intensity of need for support for those with more complex and/or multiple support needs and to fully consider the potential to re-design services to improve outcomes and achieve best value for the funding available.
The review proposes the following changes to the service to provide broader holistic housing support services:
- Re-tender housing support services early in 2025.
- Merge existing floating housing support for young people with accommodation-based and floating support for adults and deliver a whole family approach.
- Change the client group at the Viewpark Supported Accommodation Service to single males.
- Change the client group at the Bridgework Supported Accommodation Service to young people.
The merging of two existing housing support services offers long-term savings through streamlined administration and reduced duplication. It also offers holistic support by addressing the needs of all family members and enables those moving on from accommodation to have their outreach support planned and delivered by the same key worker which aligns with trauma informed principles. Careful consideration and planning will have to be given to the split of existing resources to safeguard the provision of both accommodation and outreach support.
The changing of client groups assists in meeting demand for those who are homeless and who have multiple and complex needs and improving outcomes for all groups.
If this is a budget saving, how will the saving be achieved?
This review is not a budget saving. However, the proposed service redesign will result in the payment of reduced management fees and overheads. This saving will be re-invested in the service and enable additional funding to be available for the direct delivery of housing support services.
If this policy is subject to the FSD what does it suggest about the impact or potential impact on socio-economic disadvantage?
Yes, the policy is subject to the FSD as the actions contained within the strategy have an impact on socio-economic disadvantage. The re-design of housing support services is intended to meet legal requirements to those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness, but the actions also anticipate the future requirements of the prevention of homelessness elements of the Hosing Scotland) Act 2024. There is also an indirect impact through the agenda of improving services to advance the life circumstances and opportunities of people’s lives by creating safer communities in which people can thrive and prosper and can achieve their full potential.
Give details of the impact it has on groups and individuals
The re-design of housing support Services is primarily intended to assess for and provide support to homeless people or those who are at risk of homelessness. Housing support aims to address inequalities of those who are vulnerable and disproportionately disadvantaged and excluded from services. The actions have a direct impact on most groups of individuals who are homeless through the provision of good quality housing support where people are assisted to learn the independent living skills they will need to move on successfully and encouraged to engage with wider services to enhance life opportunities such as education employment and health and wellbeing.
What actions / measures will be put in place or are planned to mitigate any adverse impact or promote equality?
There are no adverse impacts identified in relation to the re-design of housing support services as its intention is to specifically target homeless people who are the most disadvantaged and vulnerable and provide them with the support they need to live independently in future.
What is the result / recommendations of the EqIA?
To implement the re-design of housing support services following approval at committee.