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Annual Governance Statement 2022/23

7. Certification

7.1 In compliance with the Delivering Good Governance in Local Government: Framework (2016) the council has systems in place to review and improve the governance and internal control environment throughout the year. Issues for action have been identified and implementation will be monitored and reported as part of the next annual review.

7.2 It is our opinion that reasonable assurance can be placed upon the adequacy and effectiveness of North Lanarkshire Council and its Group systems of governance. The annual review process has demonstrated sufficient evidence that the council’s corporate governance arrangements have operated effectively, and the council and its group companies comply with the relevant corporate governance principles in all significant respects.

7.3 Having considered all the principles, we are satisfied that the organisation has adopted a response that is appropriate for its fraud and corruption risks, and commits to maintain its vigilance to tackle fraud.

Page last updated:
18 Nov 2024

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