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Annual Governance Statement

The principles of good governance, legislative requirements and management processes by which the council is directed and controlled

Good governance enables us to effectively pursue the ambition set out in the strategic plan (The Plan for North Lanarkshire) within appropriate controls and the management of risk. It is also central to ensuring effective scrutiny and delivery of statutory Best Value obligations. 

This means ensuring resources are directed in line with agreed policies, priorities, and project management procedures, and there is sound and inclusive decision-making and clear accountability for the use of those resources in achieving improved outcomes for service users and communities.

We reflect the principles set out in the national Delivering Good Governance in Local Government: Framework (published by the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA) in association with the Society of Local Authority Chief Executives (SOLACE) in our local code of governance - the Strategic Governance Framework - which we review and update each year.

The Annual Governance Statement is a key document supporting the Strategic Governance Framework that is produced each year following a review of our governance arrangements.

The Annual Governance Statement is required to be published as part of the Annual Accounts each year. 

The latest Annual Governance Statement is set out in below.

Page last updated:
27 Jan 2025

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