Our current free public Wi-Fi service is available to everyone and offers free access to the internet at town centre outdoor areas and across public buildings, including libraries and leisure centres.
Where free public Wi-Fi is available
We are now upgrading and expanding our Wi-Fi service to improve the speed of connection and provide improved availability at many more council locations including libraries, leisure centres, community centres and hubs, schools, care homes, retirement housing complexes, and other public-facing buildings.
The implementation programme will be complete by December 2024.
The upgraded Wi-Fi service is still being rolled out across several council buildings and locations. A full list of buildings where free public Wi-Fi is available will be published in due course once the implementation programme is complete.
How to connect
To connect to our free public Wi-Fi:
- Turn on Wi-Fi in your laptop, tablet or mobile device settings.
- Look for "North Lanarkshire Public Wi-Fi" in your list of available networks
- Select North Lanarkshire Public Wi-Fi and wait for the pop-up window to appear.
- If it's your first time accessing, enter your email address, first name and second name, review and accept the terms and conditions and click the ‘Start Browsing’ button.
- If you are a returning user, accept the terms and conditions and click ‘Start Browsing’.
There is no contract to sign, no email verification required, and we will not ask you for payment details when logging on or using the service.
What you can do once connected
You can take advantage of the benefits of 'on-the-go' connectivity in town centres and in public buildings, such as:
- accessing council services online
- accessing public services online, such as NHS 24
- using social media and email
- reading about news and local events
- checking traffic, transport, and weather
- online shopping
Data and security
Your email address, first name and second name are used for login purposes only and to remember you when you return to use the service. The device information we collect includes your MAC (Media Access Control) or IP (Internet Protocol) address. Our Data Protection Policy explains how we manage and protect your personal data.
Privacy and safety online
Our privacy policy provides information on how we are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of any personal information that we hold. This privacy notice will explain how we look after your personal information and tell you about your rights.
For more information about online security, see the Get Safe Online website.
We use a filter to block content which could be considered a risk to the network or inappropriate to access over a public service. The network is Internet Watch Foundation compliant.