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Closed planning consultations

Planning and Noise Supplementary Guidance Consultation

The purpose of this supplementary guidance is to assist developers, decision makers, agents, residents and others to identify issues to be addressed in any planning application for development in which noise will be an important consideration when assessing that application.

Noise is likely to be an important consideration where noise-sensitive developments are planned near to existing noise sources, or where potentially noisy developments are introduced into existing noise-sensitive areas.

The guidance will be a material consideration in the assessment and determination of planning applications where noise impacts are required to be considered as part of the planning assessment. The Statutory Supplementary Guidance will be adopted alongside the currently adopted North Lanarkshire Local Development Plan 2022.

The consultation takes place between Monday 3 April and Wednesday 17 May 2023 and all interested parties are invited to make comments on the draft Supplementary Guidance. The council will consider any timeous representations made to it on the proposed Supplementary Guidance and following the conclusion of the consultation period and subsequent assessment of the responses, a report will be submitted to the Planning Committee, prior to approval by the Scottish Government.

You can submit comments by completing the survey below:

Paper copies of the Supplementary Guidance are not being made generally available beyond a reference copy at Civic Centre, Motherwell, and at each of our libraries. However, as noted above, the Supplementary Guidance documents and all other relevant materials in relation to the North Lanarkshire Local Development Plan 2022 are available to view on the council's website.

Page last updated:
04 Jul 2023

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