Closed planning consultations
- Contents
- Town Action Plan consultations
- Gartcosh Community Hub Consultation Questionnaire
- Planning and Noise Supplementary Guidance Consultation
- Tell us About Your Place
- Antonine Wall Supplementary Guidance Consultation
- Coatbridge: Blairhill and Dunbeth Conservation Area
- Cumbernauld Village: Conservation Area
- Cumbernauld town centre regeneration consultation
- Education Contributions Supplementary Guidance Consultation
- North Lanarkshire Local Development Plan: Participation Statement Survey
Tell us About Your Place
We are asking for your help to understand what you think about places in North Lanarkshire. What you tell us will help shape North Lanarkshire’s Local Development Plan to plan how we use land around us in the future.
This survey will allow us to get your views on your place. It is based on the Place Standard and covers a range of topics, including homes, recreation, access, transport, employment, and services. It asks what is good about where you live now and what could be done differently. Your answers will help us prepare our next Local Development Plan.
The Local Development Plan is very important because it will decide where things like homes, shops, businesses and amenities are built for many years. It’s going to affect everyone who lives here, including you, so we want to hear what you think as we create it.
This survey is based around 14 themes. You can complete all the questions, or just tell us about the themes that are of interest to you. The more you tell us, the better we can understand what you think about your place.
The closing date of this survey has been extended to the 7 March 2025.
We have also created a children and young persons version of this survey:
Drop-in sessions at local libraries
In addition to the online surveys, our team will be on hand at the following in-person drop-in events to provide support and assist you with the Place survey. Our colleagues from the Transportation Department will also be joining us to assist you with the Local Transportation Strategy Survey.
- Coatbridge Library, 3 February, 11am until 1:30pm
- Airdrie Library, 4 February, 11am until 1:30pm
- Wishaw Library, 5 February, 11am until 1:30pm
- Cumbernauld Library, 6 February, 11am until 1:30pm
- Kilsyth Library, 14 February,11am until 1:30pm
- Shotts Library, 10 February, 12pm until 2:30pm
- Motherwell Library, 11 February, 11am until 1:30pm
- Chryston Library, 12 February, 2pm until 4:30pm
- Bellshill Library, 13 February, 11am until 1:30pm
Next steps
The information and views collected from these surveys will be used to create an Evidence Report. The Evidence Report provides a comprehensive foundation for the Local Development Plan by compiling relevant data on various aspects such as housing, transportation, environment, and community needs.
We will be conducting in-person drop-in sessions for our Place survey in the new year. These sessions are a great opportunity for you to share your thoughts and feedback directly with us. Your input is invaluable in helping us understand what you think about places in North Lanarkshire.