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North Lanarkshire Local Development Plan 2 (NLLDP2) - Topic Paper Consultation

We have started to prepare the next local development plan – North Lanarkshire Local Development Plan 2 (NLLDP2). 

The NLLDP2 is an important document that sets out the policies and proposals for future land use and development in North Lanarkshire, for example, where new housing, business and infrastructure will be located. 

Details of the timetable to prepare the plan are in the Development Plan Scheme.  

The first stage is evidence gathering. This involves collating a series of Topic papers that will help inform the preparation of our Evidence Report.

Purpose of Topic Papers 

We are currently identifying and assessing the evidence available for each policy topic area identified in NPF4 and the Scottish Government’s local development planning guidance. 

We will issue online surveys for each topic, or group of topics, outlining: 

  • the relevant information and datasets we have identified so far 
  • our assessment of the evidence gathered, based on the identified information and datasets 
  • any potential connections to other topic areas  
  • potential implications for site selection at the Proposed Plan stage, and  
  • potential implications for the Local Development Plan 

This will be an early opportunity for you to confirm if we have identified the appropriate evidence, provide any other evidence you have or would like us to consider, and offer your views on our initial considerations of the use and implications of the available evidence. 

We will then consider the responses to the surveys and what they mean for our evidence base. This will help inform the preparation of our Evidence Report later this year. 

Some of the information gathered are particularly technical on a specific topic, and may not be relevant to everyone. We welcome comments on all or some of the information published. There will be more opportunities to comment as we progress through the LDP preparation process. 

This is the second batch of topic papers available for comment.

The closing date for the second batch of topic papers (11/19, 12, 27/28 & 33) is 16 July 2024.

Next steps

Our aim is to have the following topic papers produced for future consultation over the coming months:

Batch 2 - Consultation live

  • Policy 11 Energy & 19 Heating and Cooling
  • Policy 12 Zero Waste
  • Policy 27 City, Town and Local Commercial Centres & 28 Retail
  • Policy 33 Minerals

Batch 3 - Consultation being prepared

  • Policy 3 Biodiversity
  • Policy 4 Natural Places
  • Policy 13 Sustainable Transport
  • Policy 16 Quality Homes
  • Policy 18 Infrastructure First & 24 Digital Infrastructure
  • Policy 20 Blue and Green Infrastructure & 21 Play, Recreation and Sport & 22 Flood Risk and Water Management
  • Policy 23 Health and Safety
  • Policy 25 Community Wealth Building
  • Policy 26 Business and Industry
  • Policy 30 Tourism & 31 Culture and Creativity

Batch 4

  • Policy 1 Tackling the Climate and Nature Crises & 2 Climate Mitigation and Adaption
  • Policy 8 Green Belts
  • Policy 15 Local Living and 20 Minute Neighbourhoods

Page last updated:
05 Jun 2024

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