Town Visions
Motherwell Town Vision
Motherwell is Lanarkshire’s best-connected town. It has a major opportunity to develop around its role within the City Region as a key hub with excellent connections to Edinburgh, Glasgow and Scotland’s Central Belt.

Connectivity has been identified as a key 21st-century driver for growth. High-quality connections both physical and digital are increasingly recognised as essential requirements of commercially vibrant, low-carbon sustainable places.
Motherwell - a key node
Motherwell is a key hub within the national transport network. With its rail, road and active travel networks it is a key investment location for commercial, residential and regional services.
Further potential developments in rail, including High-Speed Rail connection to Eurocentral, will extend this strategic role.
Attractive and appealing sense of place
Our ambition is to Live, Learn, Work, Invest and Visit. Motherwell is putting in place the building blocks for success.
Town & community hubs and a new transport interchange along with a new town square, redeveloped town centre, an improved visitor experience at Strathclyde Country Park and green network connections will create a new mixed-use centre and will be transformational to Motherwell’s appeal and sense of place.
Supporting a stronger community
The outcomes for the community will be a centre which is more attractive, safer, easier to get around, that offers wider choices meeting diverse and local needs.
New homes, new jobs and better connections will drive additional demand for services and sustain a more vibrant and active centre.
Motherwell’s opportunities
Town centres are facing a range of opportunities and challenges as community needs and the way we use our centres change.
Motherwell needs to adapt to change and is looking to:
- develop town and community hubs
- develop a new transport interchange
- connect the town centre retail core and encourage new housing
- strengthen the links to Ravenscraig and residential communities
- develop a new town square and civic event space
- develop improved links to Strathclyde Country Park