Town Visions
Coatbridge Town Vision
The town has the capacity to be an important service hub with its good rail connections and diverse business base making it a strong investment location for both business and living.
Coatbridge has an opportunity to redefine and strengthen its town centre, with a focus on Main Street and reinvesting in the centre as an appealing place to live and work.
Redevelopment of the Quadrant and adjacent high-rise tower blocks will deliver new town centre homes to maintain the vitality of the town centre. The linear urban park will be framed by new residential development to the South and will connect the Main Street with the enhanced retail park.
Coatbridge - a connected place
Coatbridge is a strong services hub and is well connected with its three stations linking Glasgow/Edinburgh and regional centres. Services by rail connect Motherwell, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, Edinburgh and other centres.
With a regional cluster of commercial, employment, health and public sector facilities Coatbridge is well placed to build a more compact, greener more accessible centre that supports town centre living.
Attractive and appealing sense of place
Redevelopment of the Quadrant, demolition of the tall flats and development of the new community hub can all start to reshape a stronger sense of place.
The focus of the centre will be the Main Street with the Buchanan Centre and an upgraded town square. New parks and greenspace will connect the existing green network and offer active travel routes connecting the town centre, stations, town hub, retail and visitor sites.
Coatbridge - a place to support new investment
Coatbridge has the location, catchment, infrastructure and business base to be a strong location for new investment.
Future changes in retailing and the connections offered by rail, road and active travel routes will re-balance the centre with a more compact Retail Park and a more diverse traditional Main Street incorporating leisure, convenience retail and services. The centre will meet both local and wider regional needs with new homes creating additional demand supporting a more vibrant, active and compact centre.
Coatbridge’s opportunities
Town Centres are facing a range of opportunities and challenges as community needs and the way we use our centres change.
Coatbridge needs to adapt and strengthen its future role based on its connections, quality of place, and clear opportunities for re-investment as a place to live and work.
The core projects involve:
- developing a new town hub
- re-structuring the town centre on a stronger more compact mixed-use model
- developing the Green Network and active travel routes and connections
- revitalising the centre with extensive new mixed-tenure housing
- integrating within the centre – living, learning, health and leisure activity
- creating a new town centre gateway park
- developing an enhanced town square and civic event space