At just over 500 metres in length, this route connects ‘The Castings’ housing development off Meadowhead Road to Robberhall Road and New College Lanarkshire.
The path was constructed with funding from Strathclyde Partnership for Transport (SPT), the UK Government through their Shared Prosperity Fund and the Scottish Government through their Placed Based Investment Programme.
The path runs close to and through the Ravenscraig Railway Sidings Site of Importance for Nature Conservation, which provides valuable habitat to a number of animals and plants including a nationally rare plant, the Yellow Bird’s-nest Monotropa Hypopitys. New tree planting together with habitat management of the new and existing woodland areas will enhance the habitat for Yellow Bird’s-nest and other protected species.
The lighting along the path is designed to minimise the negative impact of artificial lighting on biodiversity, particularly nocturnal animals, including insects, birds, and bats. The lights are a different colour to regular street lighting, giving a red glow, to help reduce light pollution and recreate natural lighting conditions.