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Current North Lanarkshire Local Development Plan

North Lanarkshire Local Development Plan was Adopted and came into force on 6 July 2022.

The National Planning Framework (NPF) 4

The National Planning Framework (NPF) 4 was adopted on 13 February 2023. Where there is an incompatibility between the North Lanarkshire Local Development Plan (LDP) and NPF4, the NPF4 will take priority.

The Local Development Plan is a 5- to 10-year strategy for physical development. The policies and development proposals are intended to ensure that:

  • there are enough different land uses for North Lanarkshire to be a successful place
  • facilities are in the right places for everyone to access them
  • development does not harm the environment

Developing and making best use of land plays a significant part in delivering our ambition to make North Lanarkshire the place to live, learn, work, invest and visit.

Please note paper copies of the Plan are not available beyond a reference copy at Civic Centre, Motherwell, and at each of our libraries.

However, the Plan and all other relevant materials are available below.

The Local Development Plan


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Page last updated:
15 Oct 2024

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