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Community grants and awards

Grant Awards Programme (GAP)

This is discretionary funding for community and voluntary organisations operating in North Lanarkshire.

Funding for 2025/2026 now open

Applications for Grant Awards Programme funding round 2025/2026 are now open - the closing date is 12pm, 30 August 2024.

For more information or advice, please email

What is the purpose of this grant scheme?

We provide annual funding through the Grant Awards Programme to community and voluntary sector (CVS) organisations contributing to the North Lanarkshire Partnership – Local Outcomes Improvement Plans and other important areas of work identified by the council and/or Community Planning Partnership such as The Plan for North Lanarkshire and other council and partnership strategies, policies and plans. 

Additional useful information can also be found on the partnership section of Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire website and within the Community and Voluntary Sector Strategy for North Lanarkshire (2022 – 2025) 

However, please note that more points will be awarded during scoring for direct contributions to our LOIPs priorities or cross-cutting priorities, which are: tackling poverty, digital inclusion, mental health and well-being and young people.

Who can apply?

To apply you must be a: 

  • Community and Voluntary Sector organisation operating in North Lanarkshire inclusive of registered charities and Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisations. 
  • Company Limited by Guarantee / Social Enterprise or Community Interest Company (CIC) who are asset locked/not for profit with a board of directors elected by members (who predominately reside in North Lanarkshire) and have a minimum membership of 20 individuals and must have a dissolution/winding up clause which does not transfer any assets to private individuals or companies, and who have relevant objects related to community / social and charitable activities.  

Please refer to the guidance notes for further information, if you have any queries contact us.

What can be funded?

You can apply for a grant funding up to a maximum of £10,000. There are three categories of funding which can be supported. Each category has an upper limit, as follows: 


Category Limit Value
1.  Facilities/Property Costs Up to 25% of maximum award Up to £2,500
2.  Employee Costs (Staffing and Volunteer Costs) Up to 25% of maximum award Up to £2,500
3.  Project and Activity Costs Up to 100% of maximum award Up to £10,000
The total request cannot exceed £10,000

What can't be funded?

Funding cannot be requested for:

  • Activities that started before the application being made.
  • Items of equipment of a personal nature, or
  • Repairs/improvements to premises
  • Any payment of any type to committee members, directors, or trustees

How much can be applied for?

A maximum of £10,000 can be requested.

What is the timescale for submitting applications?

Application forms are now available to download below - the closing date is 12pm, Friday 30 August 2024.

What is the application process?

An application form should be completed. First time applicants should contact us before submitting, as they will be required to register with us beforehand. 

Please note, due to the volume of applications received, incomplete applications will not be processed. The responsibility is on the organisation to fully complete and submit the application on time. If you are unsure of about any section of the application, then please contact us to discuss further. 

Where can I get help with the form?

If you would like any help or advice in completing the application form please email us at 

Please also refer to the Application Guidance Note which is available to download below.

What happens next?

When we receive your application, you will receive an automated email confirmation. Your application will then be checked to ensure you meet the eligibility requirements and have supplied all necessary supporting information.

2025/2026 Timeline
Eligible applications issued for assessment Week commencing 16 September 2024
Assessment visits From Monday 23 September to Friday 18 October 2024
Scoring panel meetings From Monday 4 November to Friday 15 November 2024
Committee report submitted to Communities Committee February 2025
Decision notices Emailed following committee approval
Award payouts From April 2025 (or as soon as possible following receipt of signed acceptance forms)

Further information

If you require any further information, advice or support, please email

Alternatively, we are offering you the opportunity to sign up for one of our information and advice sessions.  The details of which are listed below:

Date Venue Time
25 July 2024 Pat Cullinan Community Centre, Motherwell 2pm - 4pm
26 July 2024 Muirfield Community Centre, Cumbernauld 10am - 12pm
30 July 2024 Online Teams Meeting 6pm - 8pm
8 August 2024 Coatbridge Community Centre, Coatbridge 10am - 12pm
9 August 2024 Newmains & St Brigid’s Community Hub, Newmains 1pm - 3pm
12 August 2024 Online Teams Meeting 6pm - 8pm
If you would like to book a place, please email to confirm the session you wish to attend.                    

Community and Voluntary Sector (CVS) Registration Scheme

From August 2024, all organisations who wish to apply for any community-focused funding will be required to register with us. The new registration form will be issued to all currently funded organisations. This should be completed and returned to us along with your application form (or sooner if you are able to).

On receipt, we will process your registration request and will issue you with your CVS registration number. This should be used in any communications with us, and inserted into future applications that you make.

Your registration will remain valid for a period of three years. However, you should notify us of any changes and email us annually with a copy of your accounts, which should be signed by an independent examiner or by your auditor.

First-time applicants should contact us to register before submitting any application.

Documents and correspondence


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Page last updated:
31 Jul 2024

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