Active literacy materials
- Active literacy materials
- Active Literacy Pack Stage 1 Cost - £180
- Active Literacy Pack Stage 2/3 Cost - £175
- Active Literacy Pack Stage 4/5 Cost - £150
- Active Literacy Pack Stage 6/7 Cost - £210
- Active Literacy Teacher Training Pack Cost - £110 + VAT
- Magnetic boards and phoneme packs
- Supporting Children with Literacy Difficulties Cost: £65
Active literacy stage 4/5
This pack is aimed at teachers of Primary 4 and 5. It is intended to support their understanding of the Active Literacy approach and provides teachers with clear methodologies and strategies for learning and teaching.
There are three teacher books in this pack
'From phonics into spelling'
This book provides guidance for teachers and outlines the progressive programme which encourages children to be actively involved in their own learning using their prior knowledge of phonics. There is an emphasis on teaching spelling strategies and rules to assist with the accurate spelling of high-frequency words.
Teaching writing
This book provides advice regarding the teaching of writing across a variety of genres. There is an explanation of the four main steps involved in the writing process. Annotated genre models are included.
Teaching reading
The advice contained in this book is aimed at equipping teachers to understand how higher-order comprehension strategies can be applied to texts. There is also advice about the teaching of poetry.
Cost £150