Research has show that the independent retail sector is more resilient to change than larger national multiples and that these, in most cases local businesses, will prevail if sufficient infrastructure and and interest is in place. We will therefore seek to support the retail sector in Bellshill by encouraging the town centre owners to refurbish larger vacant units into smaller units to provide space for entrepreneurs and established businesses to find the optimum premises for their business.
Funding constraints and legal issues do, however, constrain the level of support which the council can provide. However, we are working with partners to identify potential funding streams to promote business investment and the regeneration of the key retail areas within Bellshill.
The collapse in the demand for commercial premises such as offices in town centre locations echoes wider structural changes in the economy and the growth of digital connectivity. The impacts of the covid pandemic demonstrated the benefits and ease of remote working across the public and private sector and led to an exponential growth in homeworking with a resulting impact on footfall within the town centre.
This needs to be recognised in how we change the structure of Bellshill town centre and make best use of the vacant premises which occur as a result of lower demand and need for town centre office space.
In addition, moving forward, the commercial space which remains also needs to be more accessible and energy efficient to compete with out-of-town locations (with consideration given to how we measure the scale of this challenge and take forward the repurposing of vacant office space).
Leisure & Hospitality
The leisure and hospitality sector is a key component of the move towards a more mixed-use town centre. The importance of 'Place' in terms of the public's perception of character and safety is very important in attracting people to use existing leisure and hospitality businesses.
Ease of movement to and from the town centre will encourage people to access leisure activities and sustain and develop the night-time economy and footfall.
In meeting this aim, the Town Action Plan for Bellshill aims to promote and sustain active travel routes and transport options to support access to town centre facilities and build footfall that will help the leisure and hospitality sectors in Bellshill to grow.