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Apply for a building warrant

Increase of Building Standards fees and update on response times for applications and enquiries

From 1 April 2025, Building Standards fees will increase in line with Scottish Government guidance. 

Due to the significant volume of enquiries we are receiving, it may take up to ten days to respond. 

We are working through each enquiry and aim to respond as quickly as possible.  

We appreciate your understanding and patience. 

Apply and pay for building warrant applications online

The Scottish Government guidance Making a Quality Building Warrant Application - What you need to know provides useful information and includes a technical checklist of what you need to consider when making a good-quality building warrant application.

Applying and paying for your building warrant online allows us to start considering your proposal sooner. The Fee Calculator ( lets you work out how much your application fee will be. 

We would encourage the use of Certificates of Design and Certificates of Construction to assist the application and completion process.  Please note that the submission of structural calculations generally leads to substantial delays in the Building Warrant process given tendering and third party checking procedure.

You can help avoid delays by making sure:

  • Your drawings are correctly orientated when you upload them.
  • Uploaded drawings are given a unique reference/revision number.
  • A suitable numbering sequence is used when splitting a large document (for example, 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3 for a document that has been split into three parts).
  • The post-submission form is used to upload additional information relating to your application, including amended drawings.
  • Your building reference number issued by us (for example - 20/00000/NLC) is always quoted when you upload additional information.

We would encourage the use of Certificates of Design and Certificates of Construction to assist the application and completion process.

You may also need to apply for planning permission. Please check before you start work.

How to pay

Payment should made at the time of submission. You can use the proposal-sharing option to allow another person to pay.

To make additional payments, or if you are unable to pay at the time of submission, you can make payment to our bank account. Please quote the application reference number and the address the application relates to.

Quote your reference number and address

It is essential you quote the application reference number and address the application relates to.

Account name: North Lanarkshire Council General Fund Account
Sort code: 83-07-06
Account number: 11627156

If you do not have internet banking, please email us your contact details and we will get in touch to take a card payment.

Building warrant approval

The way we issue stamped approved building warrant drawings has changed. Our new process has been developed to enhance our customers' experience of the building warrant approval process. 

From 1 April 2022 when your building warrant is granted:

  • You will receive an email with the subject: NLC BUILDING WARRANT APPROVAL: Your reference number and your address 
  • When you open the email you will be asked to create an account to enable you to download the stamped approved drawings securely. You will only need to do this once.
  • When you have registered, you will have 28 days to download the stamped approved drawings.  



For general Building Standards RAAC enquiries, please contact the Building Standards Teams at

Page last updated:
05 Mar 2025

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