Noise guidance on wind turbine developments
Wind turbine developments, whether small developments of one or two turbines, or large developments with numerous turbines, have the potential to impact on the neighbouring environment
Anyone who submits a planning application to site a wind turbine development must contact the planning officer and Environmental Health section at the earliest stage possible.
Wind turbine development, noise and planning
All planning applications for wind turbine development (both large and small) must be accompanied by a site specific noise impact assessment (NIA).
It is expected that the NIA will be undertaken in accordance with the following guidance documents:
- ETSU-R-97 (The Assessment and Rating of Noise from Wind Farms)
- The Institute of Acoustics (IoA) Good Practice Guide to the Application of ETSU (May 2013)
- IoA Supplementary Guidance Notes
Because of the complex nature of wind turbines and noise, developers are requested to contact the Environmental Health section as early as possible (pre-planning stage perferably) in order to discuss the application and agree the proposed methodology and requirements of the noise-impact assessment.