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Noise pollution

You can report these types of problems to us:

  • noise from commercial premises (entertainment, ventilation systems, alarms)
  • noise from industrial premises (factories, construction, demolition, alarms)
  • noise from wind farms
  • house or car alarms

Complaints about noisy neighbours are dealt with by our antisocial behaviour response team, which can be contacted on 0300 123 1382, 24-hours a day. Find out more about reporting antisocial behaviour.

Noise from dogs barking can be dealt with through the District Court. Please see our information pack below - Dog Barking How to Deal with it - for further information on this process.

Before you make a complaint

You should first try to resolve the problem early on by talking to whoever is responsible for the noise, before going down the formal complaint route.

We consider the following points to decide if noise is a nuisance:

  • disturbance, for example preventing you from sleeping
  • loudness
  • length of time
  • occurrence
  • time of day
  • type of noise
  • where you live, for example town or countryside

How to make a complaint

Contact us by telephone on 0345 143 0015 or 01236 856300 or email to make a complaint.

What happens after I make a complaint?

We will normally visit you to discuss your complaint and if we can, assess the noise you are complaining about.

We will also write and/or speak to the organisation you are complaining about to tell them a complaint has been made.

If the noise continues after this initial contact, an Environmental Health Officer will visit your home and measure the noise levels. If, considering the points above, there is evidence that a statutory nuisance exists, we will serve a notice requiring that the noise be reduced or stopped.

If this is ignored we can prosecute. If the investigator cannot find evidence of a nuisance, they will advise on how you can take action yourself in the Sheriff Court.

Page last updated:
25 Jul 2024

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