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Wishaw pupils urge dog owners to clean up

10:17am - 07 March 2025

Pupils at Wishaw Academy Primary School are appealing to local dog owners to clean up after their pets.

Dog fouling is regularly found on paths and grassy areas around the school where pupils play and walk to and from school.

It is then brought into the school on pupils’ shoes creating a mess and a health hazard.

Dog faeces can cause the infection, toxocariasis, which particularly affects children between 18 months and five years old. If swallowed, the toxocariasis larvae can result in infection that lasts between six and 24 months. Symptoms include eye disorders, vague ache, dizziness, nausea, asthma and, in extremely rare cases, seizures or fits.

As part of the school’s work to achieve the Gold Rights Respecting Schools award, pupils are running a campaign to highlight the problem and encourage dog owners to be responsible.

Head Teacher, Mrs Michelle Beadie, explained: "As head teacher of Wishaw Academy PS, I am proud to support the Rights Respecting Schools Steering Group in leading the dog fouling campaign. 

“Many children and parents were concerned about dog fouling around the entrances to the school. As a result, the Rights Respecting Schools Steering Group decided to take full advantage of article 12 of the United Nations Charter on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and use their voices to campaign, tackle this problem and effect change. 

“Pupils contacted decision-makers within North Lanarkshire Council, including elected members, and have been involved in a leaflet drop in the local neighbourhood. They have also raised awareness of the problem by designing their own posters for display around the school campus and local public buildings.

“This initiative not only promotes a cleaner, safer environment for our pupils but also instils a sense of respect and responsibility. By encouraging our children to speak out, and by working together with the local community, we can ensure that our pathways and grounds remain welcoming and enjoyable for everyone.”

“There’s no excuse for not cleaning up after your dog,” said Councillor Helen Loughran, Convener of the Environment and Climate Change Committee.

“Bagged dog waste can be placed in any public litter bin or taken home and disposed of in general household waste bins, and residents can pick up free dog fouling bags from any council library, housing office or First Stop Shop.

“I share the frustration of pupils, parents and teachers at having their community blighted by dog fouling and the mess it’s creating within the school. I would ask residents to help keep North Lanarkshire clean and safe by bagging and binning their dog’s waste.”

Allowing pets to foul in public places is a criminal offence; anyone caught faces an £80 Fixed Penalty Notice, which goes up to £100 if not paid within 28 days.

Residents who see owners allowing their dogs to foul without cleaning up, can report it to the council by calling 0345 143 0015, giving details of the location, times, dog and owner. For more information, visit

Wishaw Academy Primary School is working towards being one of more than 5,000 UNICEF UK Gold Rights Respecting Schools across the UK that embed children’s rights in their ethos and culture. The school is one of hundreds of schools and organisations across the UK who are highlighting the powerful voices of children and young people and encouraging decision makers to listen.

Children and young people at Wishaw Academy Primary are taking part in "OutRight" – a nationwide children’s rights campaign organised by UNICEF UK. For further information on UNICEF UK, please contact the UNICEF UK Press Office on 020 7375 6030 or email

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Page last updated:
07 Mar 2025

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