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Stane Primary welcomes positive inspection report

This article is more than 1 year old.

6:56pm - 15 March 2024

Stane Primary School in Shotts has received a positive inspection report from Education Scotland, which praised the nurturing support provided for pupils.

Stane Primary School in Shotts has received a positive inspection report from Education Scotland, which praised the nurturing support provided for pupils.

The report said that pupils “benefit from calm, purposeful and inclusive learning environments” and that “Led effectively by the headteacher, staff, children and families have developed a positive and nurturing ethos across the school.”

In addition, it highlighted teachers’ regular use of high-quality questioning which is having a positive impact on children’s learning. The report added: “Children are given space and regular opportunities to explain their thinking which helps them talk confidently about their learning.”

Inspectors particularly praised the school’s approach to attendance, which has resulted in a few identified children attending school more. Supports include a warm welcome whenever children arrive at school, recognition of improvements for both children and their parents and reviewing the curriculum.

Staff members’ focus on developing strong, nurturing relationships within and across the school community has led to a significant reduction in exclusions of children from school. There have been no exclusions over the last three years. Education Scotland will publish a case study report on the school’s work in this area as an example of good practice for other schools to learn from.

“At Stane Primary School we pride ourselves on the positive relationships with pupils, parents and partners,” said Head teacher Laura Simpson.

“I am delighted that the inspection team found our school to be calm, purposeful with inclusive learning environments and that senior leaders and staff provide caring and nurturing support which helps children engage positively with school.

“I am immensely proud that the approaches we take to attendance and exclusion were recognised as highly effective practice by the inspection team. Our approaches have resulted in an increase in overall school attendance and there have been no exclusions over the last three years. Fundamental to this is our positive relationships and recognition of improvements for both children and their parents.

“I look forward to our Highly Effective Practice Case Study being published by Education Scotland.”

A team of inspectors from Education Scotland visited the school in January 2024 and talked to parents/carers and children and worked closely with the headteacher and staff.

Overall, the Education Scotland report stated that learning, teaching and assessment and raising attainment and achievement were both good across the school. It also identified the next steps in its continuing improvement journey.

“Congratulations to pupils, teachers, support staff and parents on this positive report and the supportive, caring environment within the school,” said Councillor Angela Campbell, Convener of the Education, Children and Families Committee.

“I am pleased the school’s work to support pupils and parents with attendance has been highlighted, as it has made a real difference to families, helping all pupils to achieve their potential.”

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Page last updated:
15 Mar 2024

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