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St. Thomas' Primary School and Nursery Classes awarded gold status RRSA

This article is more than 1 year old.

8:47am - 21 November 2023

The headteacher of a Wishaw primary school given a RRSA Gold Award has thanked the entire school community for their efforts in securing the accolade.

The Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA) recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of the school’s planning, policies and practice.

Unicef works with schools in the UK to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive.

Mrs. Maryann Preston, Head Teacher of St Thomas’ Primary School, said: “On this World Children's Day, I am delighted that we are recognising that both children's rights and participation are key strengths within St. Thomas' Primary. 

“As a school community, we are building a better future together.  Well done everyone on achieving the Gold Rights Respecting School award and the Gold Sports Scotland award!”

The Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.

Mrs. Colette Grant Lead teacher for Rights Respecting School, added: “Being a Gold Rights Respecting School brings huge benefits to the children. They are very aware of their Rights and now have the confidence to discuss their Rights with their peers and other children and adults within and out with school. They also have the awareness to think about the Rights of others locally and globally and are concerned that their Rights may not be met.

“Achieving the Gold Rights Respecting School award is a huge achievement for the school but one we believe we fully deserve.

P5 pupil Orlaith Murray a ‘Rights Knight’ added: “Being a Gold Rights Respecting School is a very special thing. It’s good for children to know what their rights are and what they mean so that they can ensure their Rights are being met. We learn about Rights in class and at assemblies so we can talk about them with people who aren’t in our class. Getting to Gold level has helped our confidence and knowledge of Rights and talking about them with others.

Mrs. Elaine Grieve Principal Teacher (PEF) said: “As a school we understand the huge benefits of physical activity and sport for our pupils. We are invested in providing high-quality Physical Education and we work very closely with our partners and volunteers to ensure all our children have positive experiences in sport. It is our hope that this will lead to healthy outcomes both physically and mentally. 

“We are delighted that our efforts have been recognised by Sport Scotland and that we have gained our Gold School Sport Award! We are hugely appreciative to everyone who supports us daily.“

Jayden Wyllie, Sports Leader (P.6/7) added: "In our school we deserve to have this Gold Sports Award because we are great at sports! We get the opportunity to join in with lots of sports during school and at playtime, lunchtime and after school clubs. We are very lucky!" 

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Page last updated:
21 Nov 2023

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