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Springhill community hub opens its doors for everyone

This article is more than 1 year old.

10:11am - 28 September 2023

A new community hub in Springhill, Shotts has officially opened, offering a range of activities and services for local residents.

Springhill Community Hub includes accommodation for activities, clubs and meetings as well as a cycle pump track, workshop and play area outside.

The £1.4million project was part funded by the Scottish Government Regeneration Capital Grant Fund and Placed Based Investment Programme, the Environmental Key Fund, provided from Scottish Power Renewables’ Blacklaw Windfarm, and the council.

The hub will be managed by Getting Better Together – Shotts, which took over the running of the former community hall from the council in 2017 to redevelop the facility, then bought the hall and land in 2019. The group has worked with the council on the funding applications and construction of the facility. 

The hub will offer a range of services for all ages, including:

  • services for children and young people including a youth group, holiday programme, homework club, parent and toddlers groups and playgroups;
  • adult learning services focused on building local people’s numeracy and literacy skills, life skills such as money management and cookery, and providing learning opportunities for Eastern European nationals who live locally;
  • social activity for older people with a key focus on addressing isolation and loneliness;
  • outreach advisory services for debt management, consumer advice and welfare and benefits; and
  • community health outreach clinics, well-being and health and fitness programmes.

“Congratulations to Getting Better Together for their vision and commitment to creating this fantastic facility for the whole community of Shotts,” said Councillor Kenneth Stevenson, Convener of the Communities Committee.

“It will bring people together, provide learning opportunities, space for clubs and activities, and offer support for those who need advice or practical help. It will be the heart of this community.”

Mark Slorance, (GBT) Executive Manager, said: “This community building is more than just bricks and mortar; it’s a reflection of our collective dreams, aspirations, and partnerships. It’s a place where people will come together to learn, to celebrate, to support one another, and to create lasting memories. Let us continue to invest in the well-being of our residents, especially those who may be facing hardships.”

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Page last updated:
28 Sep 2023

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