This month young people aged 12-25 got the chance to vote on who should represent them as Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs)
Unaffiliated to any political parties, but concerned with improving the lives of their constituents, MSYPs are involved in various campaigns and youth events.
The election results for North Lanarkshire were held in the @Home Youth Centre on Monday 22nd November. North Lanarkshire was again commended for achieving the largest total number of voters in a Local Authority.
The winning candidates, who secured over 8500 votes between them were:
- Airdrie and Shotts: Kayla Gardner and Phoenix Lynn
- Coatbridge and Chryston: Dean Collins and Anna Porteous
- Cumbernauld and Kilsyth: Emma Prach and Shafa Waqas
- Motherwell and Wishaw: Malaikah Ahmed and Lucy Smith
- Uddingston and Bellshill: Ash McGuire
Congratulations to all the candidates and to everyone who took part in the process. All candidates are encouraged to continue all the work they did during their campaigns and to maintain their involvement in local youth participation, through their youth voice or other youth groups.
More information on the Scottish Youth Parliament can be found at:
For more information about youth engagement contact Amy Reynolds