Our housing service is performing above the Scottish Average in key areas, including providing value for money rents and a high level of repairs service when compared alongside other Scottish Landlords.
The Scottish Housing Regulator’s (SHR) Landlord Report rates the performance of social landlords against a key set of standards which include; homes and rents, tenant satisfaction, quality and maintenance of homes, neighbourhoods and value for money.
The report shows our average weekly rent of £74.58 is well below the Scottish average of £85.36 for all landlords - £10 a week lower.
We’re also delivering our repairs service to a very high standard. 98.5% of reactive repairs were completed ‘right first time’ compared to the Scottish average of 88.3% and 94.8% of tenants who had repairs carried out were satisfied, compared to the Scottish average of 88%. Our time taken to complete emergency repairs was 3.18 hours on average compared to a Scottish average of 4.2 hours, demonstrating a year-on-year improvement.
And we continue to exceed target timecales for our completion of non-emergency repairs. Our average completion rate was 6.19 days compared to the Scottish average of 8.9 days.
The Scottish Housing Regulator sets standards and outcomes that social landlords should be achieving for tenants through housing services. Other areas highlighted include:
The satisfaction level with opportunities to participate in the landlord’s decision-making process increased to 96.8% and is over 10% higher than the Scottish average of 86.6%
Our performance in keeping tenants informed remains strong at 92.6% against a Scottish average of 91.1%
For cases of anti-social behaviour reported in the last year, 99.1% were resolved compared to the Scottish average of 94.7%.
Our average days to re-let homes increased to 31.81 days mainly due to the impact of the pandemic, however, we performed well when compared to the Scottish average of 51.6 days. Our housing and repairs teams are working to continually improve these timescales.
Councillor Heather Brannan-McVey, Convener of Housing said: “It’s pleasing to see we’re continuing to perform well above the Scottish average in many areas and the landlord report shows this council has 13 indicators in the top quartile.
“We take our responsibilities as Scotland’s largest council landlord very seriously and aim to deliver first class housing services. As we strive to do this, we continue to monitor and review aspects of each service area by working with our contractors and partners and encouraging feedback from community groups, housing associations and tenants to ensure we continue to provide services that meet our customers’ needs.”