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A project celebrating the rich history of Airdrie has secured financial backing from two national bodies

5:04pm - 23 June 2023

The project aims to shine a spotlight on Airdrie's distinctive heritage and historical significance, such as its role as the home of Scotland's first public library and the birthplace of the world's inaugural penalty kick. Despite Airdrie's proud history, it remains relatively unknown to many individuals.

Councillor Jim Logue, Leader of the Council, welcomed the news saying, "The project seeks to restore and repurpose Airdrie's heritage assets as a catalyst for physical, social, and economic regeneration.  

“It aims to connect people with their heritage, encourage creativity, culture, enterprise, and learning, improve the town's health and wellbeing, and provide a welcome boost to the local economy. It's a vast program with transformative goals for Airdrie." 

"Rediscovering Airdrie" encompasses a wide array of initiatives designed to revitalize and repurpose several buildings within the town, alongside organising local heritage events.  

Key building investments include establishing a new centre for culture and co-working at Airdrie Town House, enhancing the rooftop observatory at Airdrie Library, and the One Wellwynd to pilot a Women's Business Centre.

The heritage activities intend to engage both residents and visitors, fostering a deeper connection with Airdrie's unique heritage and consequently attracting interest and investment to the town. 

Susan O'Connor, Head of Grants at Historic Environment Scotland, commented, "We are thrilled to announce £863,050 to support the regeneration of eight heritage areas in Scotland. 

“This collaboration between HES and the Heritage Fund allows us to create an even greater impact for communities across the country. Heritage-led regeneration and the adaptive reuse of historic buildings are vital catalysts for generating long-term social and economic benefits.  

“I am incredibly excited to witness the development of these plans over the next 12 months, contributing to vibrant and sustainable futures for each of these eight locations." 

Caroline Clark, Director for Scotland at The National Lottery Heritage Fund, added, "Heritage lies at the heart of a place's identity, providing depth, character, and value. It connects people and communities to their roots and enhances local economic prosperity.  

“Thanks to National Lottery players, this funding for Airdrie will drive heritage and community-focused regeneration, empowering local residents to deliver enduring, sustainable improvements." 

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Page last updated:
23 Jun 2023

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