We recently announced that we were moving ahead with works to improve The Loaning in Motherwell.
This followed the biggest roads consultation ever carried out in North Lanarkshire. The outcome of the consultation was that residents, road users and businesses identified two key areas of concern: safer crossing and speed reduction.
Four phases of work were identified through the consultation, with the council working up detailed plans for each of these. They were:
Between Dechmont Avenue and Logans Road, including the area around the shops At the junction with Ladywell Road The area next to Ailsa Nursery Centre The junction with Hamilton Road The current coronavirus emergency has had a short-term impact on these works. The next action for phase one - Dechmont Avenue to Logans Road - is discussing very detailed proposals with the residents and businesses who would be impacted directly by the works on this part of The Loaning. Those discussions have had to be postponed but the council will progress this part of phase one as quickly as possible.
Councillor Paul Kelly, depute leader of North Lanarkshire Council, said: "We were making very good progress with the plans for phase one before the impact of coronavirus. Explaining in detail those proposals to the residents and businesses in that section of the road is critical to the success of the changes, which we will then publicise more widely."Those plans, which were due to be put in place over the last two weeks, have had to be put on hold as a temporary measure. The council has a number of complex steps to work through to deliver better outcomes for the residents, businesses and users of The Loaning and the surrounding area.
"This slight delay is unfortunate, and frustrating, but we are determined that these works will happen as quickly as possible. The council will be in direct contact with those residents as soon as possible so that we can get the best possible outcome. In the meantime, we will continue to develop the proposals for the junction with Ladywell Road, the area next to Ailsa Nursery and the junction with Hamilton Road. "