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Health & social care integration scheme consultation now live

This article is more than 1 year old.

10:50am - 15 January 2024

North Lanarkshire Council and NHS Lanarkshire are inviting people and organisations across the area to have their say on one of their key governance documents.

The Public Bodies (Joint working) (Scotland) Act 2014 outlines arrangements for integrating health and social care to improve outcomes for patients, service users, carers and their families. The Act requires health boards and local authorities to work together effectively to agree a model of integration to deliver quality, sustainable care services.

The Integration Scheme is a legally binding agreement between North Lanarkshire Council and NHS Lanarkshire. In 2016 the Integration Scheme was used to establish an Integration Joint Board and outlines how health, social work and social care services are provided locally.

The partnership’s staff based in North Lanarkshire Council and NHS Lanarkshire work together to review their Integration Schemes. This work aims to achieve, where possible, consistency in areas where this would help to develop further and improve partnership working, including the arrangements for hosting services which cover the whole of Lanarkshire.

The proposed changes are technical and do not change the range of integrated services or how they are planned or delivered. The changes involve updates to:

·       Clearly define the role and remit of the North Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board and North Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board Performance, Finance and Audit Committee

Reflect the current voting members of the North Lanarkshire Integration Joint Board
Risk management procedures across the partners to support better shared understanding of risks
Even though the proposed changes to the Integration Scheme are limited, the law requires that North Lanarkshire residents have the opportunity consult on any proposed updates.

The deadline for contributions to the consultation is Sunday 11 February. 

The revised Integration Scheme will be submitted to the Scottish Government for final approval once it has been through the consultation process and agreed by the council and health board.

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Page last updated:
15 Jan 2024

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