An annual charge of £40 to dispose of garden waste will be introduced from 1 June.
Residents who want to continue using the kerbside garden waste service must purchase a permit for each brown bin containing garden waste.
Food waste will continue to be collected free of charge.
North Lanarkshire is one of only four councils in Scotland still offering a free garden waste collection service, and the money generated from the charge will help cover the costs of delivering the service.
“All councils are facing real challenges as they try to deliver local services with less money each year,” said Councillor Helen Loughran, Convener of the Environment and Climate Change Committee.
“We cannot continue to provide services as we have previously, so have decided to introduce a charge for collecting garden waste. The charge is less than the Scottish average of £44.20 and does not cover the full cost of the service, but it allows collections to continue for those who want them.”
Approximately 110,000 households in North Lanarkshire currently receive a food and garden waste service. Letters will be sent to these households in March providing more information about the permit scheme and how to apply online from 16 April. FAQs and full terms and conditions will be available on our web site.
Council housing tenants who are included in the garden waste collection service will receive a permit automatically each year.
Residents who choose not to purchase a permit for garden waste can continue to place food waste only in the brown bin after 1 June. From that date, any bins that contain garden waste but do not have a permit will not be emptied.
Residents can dispose of garden waste free of charge at one of our six Household Waste Recycling Centres.
Each year, the council collects around 22,000 tonnes of garden waste from the kerbside service and recycling centres. The waste is recycled to produce agricultural fertiliser and green energy.