Pupils in North Lanarkshire have achieved some of the best-ever exam results in the history of the council this year.
As the wait comes to an end for pupils today (Tuesday 9 August 2022) results show a significantly improving picture of academic success in North Lanarkshire.
Attainment has risen against most of the key measures when comparing this year’s results with 2019 attainment figures.
The 2019 results provide the most reliable comparison as this was the last previous formal exam diet, with attainment data for 2020 and 2021 collected by different assessment methods.
Councillor Kirsten Larson, Convener of Education, Children and Families, congratulated pupils who received results by email, text and post today.
She said, “The results achieved by pupils this year is hugely encouraging and it’s a real reflection of the hard work and commitment of our pupils supported by the outstanding efforts of our teaching staff.
“We are delighted with the positive exam results our pupils have achieved across our 23 high schools; it really highlights the high quality of teaching and learning support provided to our young people.”
Headline figures for North Lanarkshire Council’s SQA Results 2022 (compared with 2019) include:
- Significant improvement in the numbers of young people in S4 achieving 5 National 3 (up 6%) and National 4 (up 6.3%) qualifications – enabling over 200 more of our young people to be more employable on leaving school than in 2019.
- Significant improvement in the numbers of young people in S4 achieving 5 National 5 (up 3%) – enabling over 100 more of our young people to have access to Higher level learning programmes in school and further education than in 2019.
- Significant improvement in the numbers of young people in S5 achieving 3 Highers (up 3.4%) – enabling over 100 more of our young people to have access to a wider range of higher and further education programmes in colleges and universities, and greater credentials for the job market than in 2019.
- Significant improvement in the numbers of young people in S5 achieving 5 Highers (up 3.4%) – similarly enabling over 100 more of our young people to have access to a wider range of higher and further education programmes in colleges and universities, and greater credentials for the job market than in 2019.
Derek Brown, Deputy Chief Executive, said: “I’m incredibly proud of the positive contribution made by our education services and I’m delighted for our young people; so many of whom are better placed than ever before to move on to further education or to gain essential skills for employment or training.
“The past few years have brought incredible challenges: last session alone saw over 18,000 occasions in which a child contracted the Covid-19 virus.
“I’d really like to thank staff across our school estate for the resilience and determination they have shown and for fostering such high-quality learning environments, which enable our pupils to maximise their potential.”
Young people are being reminded that guidance about their grades and their future options is available from their schools.
For pupils who perhaps didn’t get the results they were hoping for, please don’t be despondent. Get in touch with your school, where teachers will be able to give advice and support and discuss their best options going forward.
The Skills Development Scotland Results Helpline can offer you information, advice and guidance to support you: call 0808 100 8000.
There's lots of things you can chat about with our advisers, including:
- Course vacancies at UK colleges and universities
- UCAS Confirmation and Clearing
- Foundation, Modern and Graduate Apprenticeships
- Jobs, volunteering, and training options
- Staying on at school
The 2022 Results Helpline opening hours are:
- Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 August from 8am to 8pm
- Thursday 11 and Friday 12 August from 9am to 5pm
- Monday 15 to Wednesday 17 August from 9am to 5pm