Young people in North Lanarkshire aged 16 to 24 will receive support with employment, education and training.
The Scottish Government’s Young Person Guarantee has provided £2.1 million to the area to help young people affected by the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
It aims to support at least 868 young people with a range of employability activities.
“Since March 2020, there has been an 85.5% increase in the number of 16 to 24-year-olds claiming benefits in North Lanarkshire,” said Paul Kane, Employability Resources Manager.
“Many of those young people have lost their jobs as a result of businesses closing during the virus restrictions. The Young Person Guarantee is designed to help these individuals return to work through education, training and employability opportunities.
“Young people will receive a range of advice and support designed to increase their learning, skills and experience through work placements within business and council services, industry-related training, one-to-one guidance and practical advice on applying for jobs.
“Financial and benefits advice will also be made available, as well as targeted support for groups such as young carers, school leavers, and young people with additional support needs or disabilities.”
The Guarantee is being delivered through a partnership, chaired by the council, and involving the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP), New College Lanarkshire, Skills Development Scotland, Routes to Work Ltd, Developing the Young Workforce Regional Group, NHS Lanarkshire, Voluntary Action North Lanarkshire and Federation of Small Businesses.