An action plan to improve youth work services for young people in North Lanarkshire has been agreed.
The North Lanarkshire Youth Work Plan has been developed by the community learning and development Youth Team and partners to focus on boosting recovery and enhancing services for young people following the outbreak of coronavirus.
Working closely with partners including Culture and Leisure NL, education services, Police Scotland, the voluntary sector and NHS Lanarkshire, the Youth Team will develop STEM, fitness, health and well-being, social responsibility, arts and crafts and digital themed workshops and learning as well as many other activities to support children and young people.
The detailed action plan will help with some of the council’s key priorities including improving economic opportunities and outcomes, supporting all children and young people to realise their full potential and improve health and wellbeing in communities.
Des Murray, Chief Executive of North Lanarkshire Council said: “The development of this plan is a major step forward for our youth services.
“Young people have been massively impacted by Covid-19 with disruption to their education, leisure activities and interactions with their friends and family being restricted. Now, more than ever, youth work plays a vital role in providing support to young people, alongside opportunities for engagement, participation, learning and skills development.
“I know that youth workers have continued to support our most vulnerable communities throughout recent months, and with this plan they will continue to do so, targeting those young people most at need.”
The plan was developed through a series of consultation events with young people and key stakeholders. This research informed the priorities and actions within the plan, and these will continue to be monitored and reviewed. The Plan has been designed by a talented youth representative Wiktoria Orlicka from Wishaw.
Young artist Wiktoria said: “I had the pleasure of making the artwork for the new youth work plan, and it’s been an amazing experience. I think my drawings given it a personal touch and it’s so nice to see it come together, and see my artwork all over it. I’d like to welcome the new plan, and I am so grateful and excited that I was able to help it take shape, even in a more colourful way. I hope everyone enjoys it”.
The 2020 youth work plan can be viewed at