The community of Bargeddie has been celebrating following the recent publication of Bargeddie Primary’s HMIe report.
Inspectors from Education Scotland visited the school in December and spent four days working alongside pupils, parents, carers, staff and partner agencies.
The report highlighted the nurturing, rights respecting ethos of the school, ‘where staff and pupils display mutual respect’.
Inspectors found the area of ‘Ensuring Wellbeing, Equality and Inclusion,’ as very good and emphasised the school’s holistic and child centred approach.
Head Teacher, Mrs Gillian Brady, said: “We are absolutely delighted that inspectors have commended our nurturing ethos and strong relationships with our fantastic pupils, families and members of our wider Bargeddie School Community.
“We greatly value the support provided. We will use the findings of this report to further develop our practice and continue to strive to improve outcomes for all our pupils within Bargeddie Primary School.”
While working with pupils and observing in classes, inspectors noted that pupils were proud to be part of their school and spoke positively about their learning.
They were eager participants who engaged confidently in their tasks. Pupils spoke positively about opportunities to develop increased confidence, self-esteem and achieve success and to contribute to the life of the school.
Children at the school said that they felt included in decisions which were important to them. As a result, pupils were judged to be making good progress in reading, writing, listening and talking and also in numeracy and mathematics. Both ‘Attainment and Achievement,’ and ‘Learning, Teaching and Assessment,’ were graded as good.
Collegiality was noted as a strength of the school with staff members displaying commitment to improve outcomes for children.
Councillor Angela Campbell, Convener of Education, Children and Families, said: “I’d like to congratulate everyone associated with Bargeddie Primary School on achieving such a positive inspection report, well done to everyone concerned.”
The report also noted that trusting relationships contributed to pupils’ social and emotional needs being met very well.
Furthermore, promotion of positive mental health was noted. The school’s focus on poverty proofing and their carefully considered interventions for equity were also praised.
Through discussion and questionnaires, parents and carers reported that relationships were strong and spoke highly of the support provided for pupils.
The valuable work of the Bargeddie Primary’s Parent Council was noted and suggestions for further development made.
Effective collaborative working with a wide range of partners was deemed to be providing rich opportunities for children to develop skills for learning, life and work. A rating of good was awarded for the area, ‘Leadership of Change.’