Following site inspections and further appraisal of the project ideas, we will deliver the successful projects over the winter months. We will work together with the successful applicants to ensure that their ideas, suggestions, and vision are achieved or as far as possible, given the budget, available resources, and timescales.
Once again thank you to everyone who sent in project ideas and we encourage you to apply again next year. All the suggestions were brilliant, satisfied our criteria and could very well have been delivered. Unfortunately, with limited resources we can only deliver the projects with the highest number of votes, as voted for by the public.
Participatory Budgeting (PB) was introduced to encourage more community participation and to help communities have a say in how public money is spent. All local authorities in Scotland have agreed that at least 1% of their budgets will be subject to PB.
Our Nature Recovery PB exercise was the first one organised by Community Greenspace. Our aim was to allocate money on practical projects in our greenspaces. These projects will improve, enhance, restore, and increase our wildlife habitats and help our local environments to become more resilient to climate change while creating sustainable areas.
We think it has been a success and would like to hear what you think. We want your feedback and comments on the process. We want to know what we did well, what we could have done differently and how we can improve in the future. Our lessons-learned survey will be created soon. Please look out for further details here and on social media.