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Strathclyde Country Park

Strathclyde Watersports Centre Redevelopment Project 2024-2027

We are delighted to announce that the Watersports Centre at Strathclyde Country Park will be redeveloped into a low-carbon health hub over the next three years.

An artist impression of the new watersports centre
Artist impression of new watersports centre

The project aims to reduce the carbon emissions associated with running the building and reduce the costs of running it. To do this the building will be insulated and renewable energy sources will be fitted to meet a significant amount of the remaining energy demand.

The project also means we can provide better space for outdoor education services and rowing. We'll move the café down to the ground floor, creating dog-friendly indoor and outdoor seating and remove temporary buildings from the car park and provide better lift and toilet facilities for visitors with limited mobility.

The new building will serve as a health hub for the whole community and a meeting point to access services and enjoy the country park.

Updates will be posted below so you can track the project's progress.


  • 2022 - Scottish Government funds the feasibility works required to create a business case for the redevelopment of the Watersports Centre.
  • March 2024 - Funding secured from internal and external sources to enable the project to progress.
  • September 2024 - Linear Design and Construct brought on board to work up full plans to Planning Permission/ Building Warrant stage.
  • Dec 2024 Planning Permission submitted
  • Feb 2025 Edinburgh University start to construct their Boat Store

Frequently asked questions

When will the building need to close for the construction works to start?

There is no fixed timeframe for the temporary closure of the building yet but updates will be posted on this webpage and on our social media channels. It is not forecast to happen until after the end of the 2025 school summer holidays so that North Lanarkshire Residents can enjoy the fun boats and other facilities provided from the Watersports Centre.

When the building is closed, where can I go to the toilet?

There will be alternative toilets provided in a nearby car park during the project.

Will I still be able to get a cuppa during the construction works?

The Heron coffee pod just outside the Watersports Centre, and the café at the Beach car park across the other side of the loch will remain open when the main building is closed.

Page last updated:
24 Feb 2025

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