Details of how our services are operating over the festive period, including registration offices, social work services and bin collections.
Housing annual performance report 2021/2022
Housing Quality and Maintenance 2021/2022
Quality of Housing Repairs, Maintenance and Improvement
We are committed to ensuring all our tenants live in a home that is warm, safe and in good condition. This is supported by the Scottish Social Housing Charter which requires us to show how well our homes meet the national quality standard, with good standards of service and choice.
We spend £45 million per year on repairs and maintenance to your homes, this includes reactive, routine, planned works and legislative compliance works.
In 2021/22, 94.8% of tenants who had repairs carried out in the last 12 months were satisfied with the service, 8% higher than the Scottish Local Authority average.
We continue to perform very well against the Scottish Local Authority average across all areas as demonstrated in the table below. However, in terms of our own comparison for previous years, performance has decreased in some areas. This was expected due to the impact and wider implications of the pandemic. Issues included the suspension of routine repairs, gaining access to properties and shortages of labour and materials. However, moving forward, we are now in a better position and aim to improve on these indicators next year.
Find out more about the repairs service.
Indicator Description | 2019/20 | 2020/21 | 2021/22 | Local Authority Average | NLC Performance Direction |
Percentage of homes meeting the Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS) | 98.83% | 89.80% | 70.00% | 69.69% | Not Improved |
Percentage of existing tenants satisfied with the quality of their home | 92.00% | 92.00% | 87.13% | 80.70% | Not Improved |
Average length of time taken to complete emergency repairs - Hours | 4.25 | 3.05 | 3.18 | 4.8 | Not Improved |
Average length of time taken to complete non-emergency repairs - Days | 6.95 | 4.27 | 6.19 | 9.2 | Not Improved |
Percentage of reactive repairs carried out in the last year completed right first time | 98.30% | 98.93% | 98.53% | 88.70% | Not Improved |
Number of gas safety regulations not met | 0 | 1 | 0 | 2,016 | Improved |
Percentage of tenants who have had repairs or maintenance carried out in last 12 months satisfied with the repairs and maintenance service | 97.00% | 98.77% | 94.79% | 86.70% | Not Improved |
Percentage of homes meeting the EESSH | 87.20% | 90.40% | 91.10% | 82.80% | Improved |
Percentage of rent due lost through homes being empty during the last year. | 0.63% | 0.73% | 1.00% | 1.60% | Not Improved |
Investment Update
A number of improvement works within our towers were completed in 2021/22 such as the fire stopping and fire doors programme and the first phase of the lifts replacement programme.
Furthermore, in line with our Plan for North Lanarkshire, demolition works to our towers continues to progress. The demolition of Burnside Court, Coatbridge was completed in 2021/22. Works have now commenced at Allan, Draffen and Coursington Towers in Motherwell as well as Shawhead Low Rise blocks in Coatbridge. We will also start the demolition of Jackson Court, Coatbridge and the Gowkthrapple low-rise blocks in Wishaw before the end of 2022/23.
During 2022/23, improvement works to your homes will continue to take place through our Capital Investment Programme. Despite there being a variety of challenges, which we expect to continue for the short-medium term, we still plan to invest over £58m million this year. The type of works being undertaken this year include:
- roof upgrades
- external wall insulation
- windows, kitchens and bathrooms
- lift replacements
- lead water pipe replacements
- energy efficient heating systems
The sprinkler installation programme in towers also continues to progress with Burnside Tower, Lodge Tower and Doonside Tower in Motherwell now complete and Woodside Tower and Glen Tower in Motherwell now underway.
Find out more about our investment programmes.