What we need
North Lanarkshire Council and Food Standards Scotland (FSS) are Joint Data Controllers of the personal information you provide to us on this form. The information we collect about you includes name, date of birth (where the Food Business Operator (FBO) is a natural person), postal address, email address and telephone number.
Why we need it
- As Joint Data Controllers, we need to collect this information for the purposes of Food Law Enforcement.
- Regulation (EU) 2017/625 on Official Controls performed to ensure the verification of compliance with Food Law, requires that North Lanarkshire Council and FSS coordinate effectively in the field of Environmental and Health protection, carrying out their activities with a high level of transparency, making relevant information available to the public as soon as possible.
- Each Local Authority is required to maintain an up to date list of registered Food Business Establishments in its area and divulge this information for the purposes of ensuring public health and the effective enforcement of Food Law.
- The Food (Scotland) Act 2015 enables FSS to set performance standards, report on enforcement action by others and require relevant information from North Lanarkshire Council.
- The Official Feed and Food Controls (Scotland) Regulations 2009 allows the exchange and provision of information by FSS and North Lanarkshire Council for the execution and enforcement of relevant Food Law and makes provision for North Lanarkshire Council to provide FSS with Food Business information.
- North Lanarkshire Council and FSS are required to fulfil the statutory obligations required by Article 113 of Regulation (EU) 2017/625, which places a requirement on Local Authorities and FSS to provide the information specified in that Article and to report to the European Commission.
- FSS maintains a national database that can be accessed by both Food Standards Scotland and the Local Authority to which the information pertains. The reporting toolset allows information to be strategically analysed, allowing both organisations to adhere to the principles of the Scottish Regulators’ Strategic Code of Practice.
- We will only collect the data that we need as required by the above regulations and legislation, and not collect any personal information from you that we do not need.
What we do with it
The information on this form will be retained by North Lanarkshire Council and FSS for the duration of your business registration. Additionally, if your business closes, or your registration details are otherwise amended then this information will continue to be retained for a maximum of six years following notification of the closure or the amendment of your registration details for Freedom of Information purposes.
The information collected on your business relating to Food Law enforcement activity will be retained by North Lanarkshire Council for a maximum of six years for Freedom of Information purposes. Food Standards Scotland collects food business information from North Lanarkshire Council on a regular basis for the purposes of Food Law Enforcement. The same information will be retained by FSS for a maximum of six years, also for Freedom of Information purposes and the monitoring of enforcement action by Local Authorities.
FSS have put in place appropriate and adequate technical and organisational measures to protect your personal information. FSS data is located within the European Union, on cloud-based services procured through the government framework agreements and assessed against the national cyber security centre cloud security principles.
North Lanarkshire Council have put in place appropriate and adequate technical and organisational measures to protect your information. North Lanarkshire Council does not transfer your data outwith the European Economic Area. We want to assure you that no third parties have access to your personal information unless the Law allows them to do so.
What we may also be required to do with it
The information may be shared with other Regulators in line with the principles of the Scottish Regulators Strategic Code of Practice for compliance and risk mitigation purposes. This is limited to circumstances where the law allows such sharing of information by regulators with common interests or activities and will not include personal information.
However, we may need to process sensitive personal information about you for reasons of substantial public interest as set out in the General Data Protection Regulations and the Data Protection Act 2018.
What are your rights?
You have a right to see the information we hold on you by making a request in writing to the email addresses below. If at any point you believe the information we process on you is incorrect you can request to have it corrected. If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your information, you can contact our Data Protection Officers who will investigate the matter. If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are not processing your information in accordance with the law, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).
Further information
North Lanarkshire Council data protection
Food Standards Scotland privacy
Contact North Lanarkshire Council’s Data Protection Officer at Legal Services, Civic Centre, Windmillhill Street, Motherwell, ML1 1TW or by email at dataprotection@northlan.gov.uk or contact Food Standards Scotland’s Data Protection Officer at dataprotection@fss.scot.