Land and property for sale
Estates privacy statement
Our privacy statement for processing information for transactions or use of land/buildings in relation to North Lanarkshire Council owned land and/or property.
North Lanarkshire Council is a local authority established under the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994.
Its head office is located at Civic Centre, Windmillhill Street. Motherwell, ML1 1AB, United Kingdom, and you can contact our Data Protection Officer by post at this address or by emailing
Who are we?
Our Asset & Procurement Solutions Estates team is responsible for:
- property and land sales/acquisitions/leasing
- negotiating/amending new and existing servitudes/wayleaves
- negotiating/amending temporary access agreements and licences
- amenity land sales
- enforcing the council’s rights in relation to property/land which it owns/has an interest
Why do we need your personal information and what do we do with it?
We need your personal information to allow us to carry out the activities mentioned above.
We will use your information:
- To correspond with you regarding any application you make to purchase/lease/use of any council land/property, or during the course of any subsequent property transaction that the council enters into with you
- To correspond with you regarding any encroachment onto or un-authorised use of council land and/or buildings
- To verify the accuracy of the information that you provide - this may involve contacting other council departments
- To obtain relevant information in relation to land/building transactions from Local/national government bodies and utility companies
- When instructing the council’s solicitors in relation to any land transaction it enters into with you or in cases where the council enforces its rights as land/property owner
- To process applications/enquiries for the purchase/sale/use of land with elected representatives, and other council departments including (but not limited to) Education, Roads, Planning, Housing, Grounds Maintenance as appropriate.
Legal basis for using your information
We carry out these activities as part of our statutory functions as a local authority. We also process your personal information in order to perform a contract with you or to take steps to enter into a contract with you.
We may also process your personal information where this is necessary to pursue the council’s legitimate interests as a landowner, for example in relation to unauthorised use of the council’s land.
If you do not provide us with the information we have asked for then we will not be able to provide this service to you.
Who do we share your information with?
We are legally obliged to safeguard public funds so we are required to verify and check your details internally for fraud prevention.
Where relevant, we may require to liaise with other council departments, for example, Social Work, if additional support needs could be relevant to a specific land/property transaction.
We may share your information with other public bodies (and also receive information from these other bodies) for fraud-checking purposes.
We are also legally obliged to share certain data with other public bodies, such as HMRC and will do so where the law requires this.
We will also generally comply with requests for specific information from other regulatory and law enforcement bodies where this is necessary and appropriate.
Your information is also analysed internally to help us improve our services. This data sharing is in accordance with our Privacy Policy and covered in our full privacy statement on our website. It also forms part of our requirements in line with our Records Management Plan approved in terms of the Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011.
More Information
For more details on how we process your personal information, your information rights and complaints visit our Privacy and Cookies page.
If you do not have access to the internet you can contact us by postal mail at the following address:
North Lanarkshire Council Assets & Procurement
Ground Floor, Civic Centre
Windmillhill Street
Motherwell, ML1 1AB