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Accepted and non-accepted waste types at household waste recycling centres

Accepted waste types

We accept the following materials (please separate where possible):

  • cardboard - corrugated cardboard, cardboard packaging and paper
  • green waste - grass, plants, wood chips, shrubs and trees
  • rubble waste - stones, bricks, ceramics and slabs
  • scrap metal - ferrous and non-ferrous metals
  • wood waste - MDF, laminate flooring, treated wood
  • waste electronic and electrical equipment - electrical appliances
  • glass - mixed glass like glass, bottles and jars
  • textiles - clothing and shoes
  • bikes - child to adult size bikes, working and non-working
  • gas bottles - various makes, for example, Calor (these must be separate from the rest of your waste, do not skip)
  • florescent tubes - strip lighting (household only, not commercial)
  • household batteries
  • car batteries - all types of car batteries
  • engine oil - mixed oil (must be able to pour into collection container) - oil banks only available at Ladyann Crescent, Airdrie, Shotts, Netherton and Stobcross Street, Coatbridge
  • general household waste - excess bagged waste from your household (plastics, household furniture, carpets, mattresses, polystyrene and soil)
  • paint tins will only be accepted if they are filled with earth or sand to allow any remaining paint to be absorbed

Non-accepted waste types

We don't accept these materials and they must be disposed of through a licensed contractor:

  • asbestos
  • car tyres
  • clinical waste
  • hazardous substance waste 
  • oil-based paint

Details of appropriately licensed sites can be found online.

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Page last updated:
11 Mar 2024

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