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Discretionary housing payments


What are discretionary housing payments?

A Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) is an additional payment over and above your housing benefit or universal credit housing costs to help towards your rent costs.

Who can apply?

You can apply for a DHP if you are in receipt of housing benefit or universal credit (which includes housing costs towards your rent) and you are struggling to meet your full rent costs from your available income.

How do I apply?

DHP application forms are available using the links below

When would a discretionary housing payment be considered?

DHPs are discretionary and can be given if you require some further financial assistance to meet your housing costs. The Department of Works and Pensions has provided additional funding to assist if you are affected by welfare reform changes including the under-occupancy charge (bedroom tax), benefit cap and local housing allowance reforms.

The 'benefit cap' sets a limit on the amount of housing benefit and other welfare benefits working-age claimants can receive. If your housing benefit is reduced because of the benefit cap then you may be able to get help via DHP

We have supplemented this fund to the maximum permitted under current legislation. There is a cash limit that the council can spend in each financial year and we cannot exceed this. However, for under-occupancy cases (bedroom tax) and benefit cap cases the Scottish Government provides funding to cover the shortfall.

Discretionary Housing Payment Application


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Discretionary Housing Payment Application - Under Occupancy

Discretionary Housing Payment Application - Benefit Cap

Page last updated:
28 Aug 2024

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