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Chief officers

There are 15 chief officers who have responsibility for each of the council's services.  

Chief Executive’s Office

Katrina Hassell, Chief Officer (Business and Digital)

Elaine Kemp, Chief Officer (Finance), Section 95 Officer

Archie Aitken, Chief Officer (Legal and Democratic) Monitoring Officer

Fiona Whittaker, Chief Officer (People Resources)

Stephen Penman, Chief Officer (Strategy and Engagement)

Francis Scott, Chief Officer (Audit and Risk)

Education and Families

Alison Gordon, Chief Officer (Education, Families, Justice and Integrated Practice), Chief Social Work Officer.

Barry Smedley, Chief Officer (Education North)

James McParland, Chief Officer (Education South)

Enterprise and Communities

James McKinstry, Chief Officer (Assets and Procurement)

Stephen Llewellyn, Chief Officer (Housing)

Pamela Humphries, Chief Officer (Place)

Lyall Rennie, Chief Officer (Community Operations)

Health and Social Care

Diane Fraser, Chief Officer / Head of Service (Adult Social Work Services)

Morag Dendy, Chief Officer / Head of Service (Performance, Planning, and Quality Assurance)

Page last updated:
07 Mar 2025

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