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Why you should vote

Make your voice heard.

There are so many reasons to vote...

Firstly, it gives you a say on who represents you locally and nationally.

Candidates will be selected to represent you whether you vote or not, so if you use your vote, you'll have a say on who represents you.

Secondly, the outcome of elections decide the way services and policy are delivered - from bin collections and schools to employment, health services and the environment.

So if you want to influence the issues that affect you, your family and your community now and in the future, then remember to use your vote.

Another reason to history

Across the world people have died fighting for the right to vote and be part of a democracy. By registering to vote you'll be showing that you think that right is important.

Think about it this way - in the UK, less than 100 years ago, people were killed during their struggles to get the vote for women. In South Africa, not until the end of apartheid in 1994 were black people able to vote for the first time. Today, many people across the world are still denied the right to vote.

So don't waste your vote, use it.

Page last updated:
25 Jun 2024

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